stray light
© kurt van der elst
Field of View is a poetic and symbolic visual trip in which society is scaled down to three guinea pigs humans that are looking for connection through fusion and collision. The performance is rooted in having opposing views, polarization, inclusion and the possibility of accepting or reconciling different perspectives. Where does the imperfection of our connections show? Where are they caring, where do they undermine themselves? Can we strengthen social cohesion rather than attack it? And is that desirable, or is that imperfection our strength?
The performance uses voice-over, field recording, projection mapping and light to slowly challenge our human perception. And to construct oddly different yet familiar ways of being together.
- available in Dutch, French, English
concept, direction: Kevin Trappeniers
performers: Leen Van Dommelen, Joelle Francis, Femke Van der Steen
text: Freek Mariën
sound design: Stijn Demeulenaere
video: Gertjan Biasino
dramaturgy: Elisa Demarré
technical design: Gertjan Biasino, Hans van Wambeke
costume: Annelies Bruneel
choreographic advice: Inez Carijo
production management: Hans van Wambeke
production: Stray Light vzw
co-production: C-TAKT
with the support of: KVS, deAuteurs, Literature Flanders, Flemish Government
with thanks to: Arts Centre BUDA, CC De Grote Post, Het Huis Utrecht, De Kunstenwerkplaats, Spoon Makes, CC Strombeek, Workspacebrussels