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© Boris Kuijpers



AntennA is a stilled, minimal installation addressing miscommunication. The work raises awareness about the electronic signals around us. Around a metal radio mast, spectators and potential discussion partners can watch, reflect and temporarily be together.


In many areas of our lives we are now in a twilight zone between analogue and digital. In our hyper-connected society, talking with screens in-between has become omnipresent. But who are really we talking with? With the other, with our mobile or computer, or with ourselves? And do we still - in all peace and quiet - take the time to do so? Our encounters risk to be undermined by technology. 

AntennA addresses the invisible architecture around us, and our own responsibility: we constantly add signals, but how do we deal with that? Do we still dare to allow silence and emptiness once in a while? And do we still have the right to be disconnected? The installation aims at bringing people together and instigating communication: spectators and passers-by can watch, talk, reflect or be silent. 

AntennA and Ellipsis are both part of a complementary diptych consisting of respectively an installation in the public space and a theater performance in the black box. Both describe the relationship between humans and technology, and the mutual (mis)communication that ensues from this relationship, although they put a different emphasis. How do technological possibilities influence communication between people? And how do we as humans deal with fast-paced technological evolutions? The works can be shown separately or together.


wood, metal, aluminium


Dramaturge Elisa Demarré schreef een dramaturgische tekst bij dit werk.

Lees of download hier: Mens en Technologie in een Landschap van Leegtes


concept, design: Kevin Trappeniers

design, development: Maarten Devrieze, Kevin Trappeniers

technical assistance: Aaron Victor Peeters

dramaturgy: Elisa Demarré

production mangement: Hanne Ghekiere

distribution: Vincent Company

production: Stray Light vzw

co-production: C-TAKT, Vooruit & LOD music theatre

in collaboration with: Arts Workspace Pianofabriek

thanks to: KAAP, WorkSpace Brussels, Charlotte Bouckaert, Stijn Demeulenaere, Lodewijk Heylen, Karl Van Welden

supported by: Flemish Government, Flemish Community Commission (VGC)


C-TAKT platform for transdisciplinary arts Kevin Trappeniers
LOD music theatre Kevin Trappeniers
Vooruit Viernulvier Kevin Trappeniers
De Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek Kevin Trappeniers
VGC Flemish Community Commission Kevin Trappeniers
Flanders State of The Art Kevin Trappeniers

© stray light vzw 2024

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